
Have to live brilliant smile flower

Have to live brilliant smile flower

Micro is a good move for the girls, like nothing on the filled with the Paoqu Wan, since graduating from high school after she went outside to play like, or nothing to run internet café, deserted because she was afraid to stay home, since the Mom and Dad suddenly left the world after the accident, she and grandma, though my father left her mother a lot of money, but she felt empty, money is nothing in her eyes, she just want to have a family, She only wanted mom and dad is still alive, but, no use, no use to this, micro-just want to decadence, she did not want their own future, because she felt she simply has no future, old grandmother, which makes She felt fear, she was afraid that one day her grandmother suddenly, like, like father and mother away from her, she is really afraid of ... ...
That day, her usual corner to find the best place to sit down cafes open the computer, wearing headphones while listening to music, watching his QQ space, as she indulged in the net sea, she was suddenly take off the headphones, she also did not react when the hand was then pulled, pulling her was about eighteen-year-old boy, he worried voice in her ear next to the screaming: You're Zhu A? Bar the door to fight to the dead! You stay here! You're a fool to death!
Slightly aghast, looked really only see chaos in a cafe, Internet access in Wangwaimian red, four boys tugging back and forth at each other in a fight, cafe owner called the police in panic, looking slightly scared shivering, big stand still with eyes blankly at a loss, without any explanation of the juvenile ran out holding her hand, but also cursed her: Could you hurry it really? See you so small age, for a police identity card you do not have adults you're finished, you do not have identity cards are allowed access to the Internet ... ...
Micro suddenly want to laugh, he did not think she has not grown? She is nineteen years old! But did not explain the micro, so he took her out the door, and so went to street side, he suddenly let go her hand, and then skillfully from the clothes in the bags out of a pack of cigarettes, and then took out a lighter lit a cigarette and a mouthful, and then an arrogant tone to her: Hey! How old are you? How come you look like the pig stupid ah? Fight so much louder than your voice, really full of worms! Dead deserve!

